**Premium quality authentic SUVARNPRASHAN is available** 😍
**An unique Ayurvedic method of potentiating Immunity and Intellect**
**सुवर्णप्राशनं संस्कार**
• Improves intelligence, memory, and oratory skills
• Enhances focus, attention span, and retention and recall capacity of the mind
.growth and development of child
• Improves complexion and imparts healthy glow
• Improves digestion, sense of hearing and vision
• Seen to be useful with temper tantrums, hyperactivity and agitation
• By administering Swarna for a month’s time after birth, child becomes super-intelligent
• By administering for up to six months, person becomes Shruta Dhara – can remember whatever the child hears.
Improves immunity and prevents recurrent cold, cough and fever.
*The classics recommend Swarnaprashana from the time of birth to 16 years (0-16 years)
*As seen in the verse above, it is beneficial to give it every day for at least 6 months, from the time of birth.
*Two types of Swarnaprashana.
1. Pushya Nakshatra Swarnaprashana: Given only on the Pushya Nakshatra days, which is once in 28 days approximately
2. Anudina Swarnaprashana: It is a daily dose of immunity for your child.
*Dosage according to child’s & mother’s as per age & weight*
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